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Learn What Causes Hemorrhoids and
What You Can Do To Avoid Them

Author: Henry Hammond

Hemorrhoids are actually a very common occurrence that affects over half of the population over the age of 50 in North America.
Anybody can develop hemorrhoids but there are certain conditions that can cause a person to develop this embarrassing and sometimes dangerous problem. The purpose of this article is to educate you on certain behavioral traits that can cause hemorrhoids and some ideas on how you can avoid developing this problem.

The causes of hemorrhoids are not entirely known and the chance of getting this affliction can not be completely eliminated but there are specific things that can increase persons chances of developing this often misunderstood condition. Hemorrhoids develop because of excessive pressure in the veins of the rectum and anus and conditions such as the straining caused by constipation can create the pressure needed to create hemorrhoids. Other conditions such as extreme diarrhea, pregnancy, liver disease and even the act of weight lifting can also increase the pressure that can cause hemorrhoids. People that do a lot of standing or sitting or spend too much time on the toilet can be at a higher risk of developing hemorrhoids as well as those who are obese or have a family history of this condition. With so many people getting hemorrhoids, what can you do to avoid this condition?

There is really no guarantee that you or anybody else wont develop hemorrhoids. The statistics say that once you reach the age of 50, you will have a 50% chance of developing this problem but there are certain lifestyle patterns that you can develop to decrease the likelihood of getting hemorrhoids. With the thought in mind that hemorrhoids can develop and worsen through excessive pressure and strain, it would seem that diet can plan an important role in decreasing your chances of developing this condition.

If you want to eliminate the strain in your bowel movements, it is important to keep your stool soft. Diets that are rich in fruits and vegetables and high in fiber content will help you to keep a soft stool as well as drinking plenty of liquids. A good amount of exercise helps and maintaining a high fiber diet can be so important in keeping a soft stool that you may wish to consider fiber supplements as well.

It will also benefit you to avoid situations such as excessive sitting, standing, or spending excessive time on the toilet. If you need to have a bowel movement then it is important that you take care of this right away and dont wait. Waiting can cause your stool to become harder and dryer which can in turn create more strain and more pressure for you rectal veins when you finally do go.

Hemorrhoids are unfortunately a common condition and you may still develop them even if you do take action to minimize the possibility but it is my sincere hope that this article has taught you enough about hemorrhoids that you can dramatically decrease the odds of getting this embarrassing and often painful problem.

About the author:
To learn more about the causes of hemorrhoids and how to cut your risk of developing them, please visit my site at