Hemorrhoids - A Medical Dictionary
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Medication for Hemorrhoids


When To Use Medicine or Medication for Hemorrhoids?

The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bleeding. External hemorrhoids are visible and occur just outside the anus. When hemorrhoids become inflamed they can itch, bleed, and cause pain. Usually hemorrhoids tend to get worse over time. It is important therefore that at the first sign of hemorrhoids that you treat them. If after trying home remedies for a short while and there is no relief, medication should immediately be obtained and administered. They are often invaluable in trying to say goodbye to hemorrhoids.

Medicine and Medication for Hemorrhoids

There are several medicines and medications available for treating hemorrhoids and often provide lasting cures. The primary purpose of medicine for hemorrhoids is to relieve the symptoms using a homeopathic combination.

Medicine and Medication for hemorrhoids are available as:


Some medication for hemorrhoids come in tablet form and helps to stimulate your body's natural healing response to relieve symptoms and general discomfort. These tablets dissolve in water and can be safely used by children.

Hylands - Hemorrhoids - 100 tab

Boiron's Avenoc Tablets 60Tabs

Ointments, Creams, Suppositories and Gels

Ointments, creams, and gels used around the anus, are to be applied as a thin film. Those inserted into the anal canal are inserted with a finger or a "pile pipe". Most pile pipes have holes on the sides as well as at the end. These pile pipes should be lubricated with ointment prior to insertion. 

Medicine and Medication contain several types of active ingredients including anesthetics, astringents, anti-inflammatory agents, and emollients. The same application relieves pain, itching, swelling, burning discomfort and soreness associated with hemorrhoids. they are usually homeopathic in promoting the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels while removing excess fluid from tissues.

Hemorrhoidal Cream

Local Anesthetics

Medication containing local anesthetics temporarily relieve pain, burning, and itching by numbing the nerve endings in the hemor. These should only be used around the anus. 


Vasoconstrictors are medicines that make the blood vessels in the hemorrhoid become smaller, which may reduce swelling. They also reduce some pain and itching. 


Protectants are medication that prevents irritation of the area around the anus. It forms a barrier on the skin that reduces irritation when stooling. This barrier reduces itching, pain, and burning. 


Astringents are medication that cause coagulation (clumping) of proteins in the cells of the area of the anal canal. A dryness develops which then helps relieve burning, itching, and pain. 


Antiseptics are well known to inhibit the spread of bacteria. 


Medicines containing corticosteroids reduce inflammation and can relieve itching, but their chronic use can cause permanent damage to the skin. This type of medication should not be used for more than two weeks when treating hemorrhoids.

The first resort should be to try hemorrhoid home treatments and herbal treatments. If these do not work them the use of medicine or medication for hemorrhoids should be used. You should try to avoid having major surgery for hemorrhoids. However, if the home treatments and the medication does not work there is still one final option left for you in trying to say goodbye to hemorrhoids. That is to approach your surgeon.